徐静雯,女,博士,副教授(2020年9月至今),博士毕业于美国堪萨斯州立大学食品科学系,先后于加州大学戴维斯分校担任博士后研究员、波特兰小麦市场中心担任客座研究员及BAKERpedia公司担任研究员。主要学术兼职包括Food Control、Journal of Food Engineering、Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture、Cereal Chemistry等SCI期刊审稿人。
联系方式:Email: jw-xu@shou.edu.cn. 办公室:食品学院B227.
· 上海市2023年度“科技创新行动计划”启明星项目(扬帆专项),上海市科委,主持。
· 挤压加工提升全谷青稞营养及健康功效的机制研究;挤压淀粉与谷蛋白结构重构调控重组米质构的作用机制;紫菜多酚指纹图谱及健康功效研究,上海海洋大学,主持。
1. Ai Y, Guo Q, Zhao Y*, Xu J*. (2025). Thermal processing improved dietary fiber quality of whole grain highland barley: Studies on structural, physiochemical and functional properties. Journal of Cereal Science, 121, 104087.
2. Xu J*, Tian T, Zhao Y. (2025). Effect of extrusion processing on physicochemical and functional properties of water-soluble dietary fiber and water-insoluble dietary fiber of whole grain highland barley. Food & Medicine Homology, 2, 9420032.
3. Yu T, Xu J*. (2024). Characteristics of films prepared from wheat gluten and phenolic extracts from Porphyra haitanensis and its application for salmon preservation. Foods, 13(15), 2442.
4. Liu L, Xu J*, Gao N, Zhang B, Xu X, Zhao R*. (2024). Effect of ultra-fine ground whole grain highland barley substitution on wheat dough properties and bread qualities. Cereal Chemistry, 101(5), 1032-1042.
5. Liu L, Xu J*, Gao N, Zhang B, Xu X, Zhao R*. (2024). Ultra-fine grinding improves nutritional profile, physiochemical properties, function and antioxidant capacity of highland barley. Journal of Food Science, 89(4), 1960-1975.
6. Xu J*, Li Y*. (2023). Wheat gluten-based coatings and films: Preparation, properties, and applications. Journal of Food Science, 88(2), 582-594.
7. Xu J*, Li Z, Zhao Y*. (2022). Phenolic compounds of “blue food” Porphyra haitanesis: Chemical fingerprints, antioxidant activities, and in vitro antiproliferative activities against HepG2 cells. Food Research International, 162, 112139.
8. Xu J*, Shen Y, Zheng Y, Smith G, Sun X, Alavi S, Wang D, Zhao Y, Li Y*. (2021). Duckweed for potentially nutritious human food: A review. Food Reviews International, 2012800.
9. Xu J, Qi G, Wang W, Sun X. (2021). Advances in 3D peptide hydrogel models in cancer research. npj Science of Food, 5(1), 14.
10. Xu J*, Li Y, Zhao Y, Wang D, Wang W. (2021). Influence of Antioxidant Dietary Fiber on Dough Properties and Bread Qualities: A Review. Journal of Functional Foods, 80, 104434.
11. Xu J, Zhang Y, Wang W, Li Y. (2020). Advanced Properties of Gluten-Free Cookies, Cakes, and Crackers: A Review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 103, 200-213.
12. Xu J, Qi G, Sui C, Sun X, Wang W. (2019). 3D h9e Peptide Hydrogel: An Advanced Three-Dimensional Cell Culture System for Potential Anticancer Prescreening of Chemopreventive Phenolic Agents. Toxicology in vitro, 61, 104599.
13. Xu J, Smith S, Smith G, Wang W, Li Y. (2019). Glyphosate contamination in grains and foods: an overview. Food Control, 160, 106710.
1. Xu J*, Wang W. (2021). Fiber-associated wheat lignans and colorectal cancer prevention. In: Improving the nutritional and nutraceutical properties of wheat and other cereals. Elsevier Publisher.
2. Xu J, Wang W, Li Y. (2019). Chapter 3: Corn. In: Bioactive Factors and Processing Technology for Cereal Foods. Springer.